Cyber Essentials demonstrates your commitment to computer securityCyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a certification designed to ensure a network security level to help firms avoid a security breach GDPR has caused most companies to prioritise data security. Larger firms have decided that they need to have greater confidence in their supply chain. Companies are removing suppliers without Cybersecurity certification from their supplier lists, including companies with long-standing business relationships.

Two levels of certification

The basic tier is mostly self-certification and requires companies to implement security systems but might include an external network scan. Cyber Essentials Plus compliance will consist of internal and external network scans by the certification body and requires an auditor who will attend your premises to ensure compliance.

Each business needs to decide what level of certification it needs. The tier 1 accreditation will be considerably easier to obtain, cheaper, and less disruptive. recommends getting the lower certification first and then working towards Cyber Essentials Plus the following year if required. Both certification levels require annual renewal, but renewal will usually be simple unless there have been many changes.

Insurance costs

Another potential benefit of security certification is obtaining insurance against cyber risks and reduced insurance costs.

Check the official Cyber Essentials website but remember, new certifications can take up to six weeks to appear on the register.

Most small businesses already comply with many requirements but will fall short in various details. will help you through the process, ensure compliance with all the requirements, and deal with all the paperwork.